March 4, 2025

My Money Magick

The Money, Tax and Law Underground

The Top 3 High-Yield Autotraded Newsletters Available at Global Autotrading

Quote from the website 

Deposit, Profit, Compound, Withdraw – The Holy Grail of Passive Income

I’ve often sought high-yields in the forex market instead of options, primarily because I consider myself a world citizen instead of an American National/US Citizen. And also so that you-know-who doesnt have an eye on my profits. But the ease of setup and the long-term track records of some of these automatically traded newsletters is impressive and because I’ve benefitted so much from one of them, I felt it was time to share. Not to mention that Options is a severely regulated industry and you don’t have to worry about any fraudulent activity.

I looked over all 56 publicly listed newsletters listed at Global Autotrading and developed this spreadsheet as part of my evaluation. Do be aware that there are at least 20 more autotraded newsletters listed inside once you register your free Global Autotrading account.

Cycle Spreads is the Number 1 Autotraded Newsletter by a Long Shot

Cycle Spreads actually has 6 different trading programs, all availabl via autotrade. This review focuses on Cycle Spreads 3

What I like about cycle spreads:

2020 Total Return: 1575.76% | Winning Trades: 281 | Losing Trades: 0.

You read that right: a perfect record over 281 trades… how? Because of the way they keep adding legs and using margin when the trade goes against them. This is not possible in forex markets or anything else to the degree that it is available with options. Subscribe to their free newsletter for details on how they approach trades.

Of course you might be wondering “well, what did they do in 2021” and I must make an admission: they had one loss in 2021… and just as many wins and a 1605.91% ROI…. I’ll take that.

1500% annual ROI means 10k turns into 150k – life changing income

A six figure income from these simple steps:

  1. Open a trading account (I like Tradier)
  2. Fund the account
  3. Register at Global Autotrading
  4. Give authorization to Global Autotrading to trade your brokerage account
  5. Kick back and rake in the profits.

That sure beats all other 3 quadrants of Kiyosaki’s cashflow quadrant, doesn’t it? Well, unless you’re like me and you have a message you are passionate about. Then you do work harder for your passive six-figures because the work is a joy.

Very Reasonable Monthly Fee

They only charge $49.95 per month for their service. They have higher yields than either of the other 2 services mentioned and they charge less for their service.

What I dislike about cycle spreads

You need to apply for level 3 option trading and margin at your broker for the types of trades they take. Normally you are just approved for level 2 (which is good enough for the other 2 newsletters listed). You have to fill out some more applications in order to be approved for level 3.

Also, you need 10K for their strategies minimum. I’m more of a 3k to 5k guy myself.

MT Global Trader secures second place in all 56 newsletters

MT Global Trader is 1 of 3 newsletters offered by Pinpoint Financial Group. Boasting returns of 333%, 1981% and 395% for the past 3 years and offering trading services since 2006, MT Global Trader is a very promising way to gamble with 3k to 5k.

I Autotrade with MT Options and They Earned 3rd place among all 56

MT Options is another newsletter put out by Pinpoint Financial Group.

I’ve been getting emails from MT Options for a LONG LONG TIME:

and during that time I’ve lost 3k to 5k on all sorts of scams and binary options and high-ticket training courses like Renatus and more… man, what was I thinking????!!!

Well, I’m glad I went ahead and knuckled down and got myself setup with autotrading with them. They are 14-0 for the start of the new year! They cost more and yield a bit less that MT Global Trader, so I may branch out into MT Global Trader once this account grows… or I may pull the trigger and go for the 10k gamble on Cycle Spreads.

UPDATE: 50% gain on my 3k account in 30 days!!!

That’s right… read all about it.

So There You Have it

I’m so glad that I did not fall for the other option opportunities I saw in Youtube Ads (Skyview trading, Scott Bauer’s Power picks) because that involves staring at charts all day and then rushing to fill out trades (and hoping you got it right) whenever you get a text message… and then moving your stops as the landscape changes. I think that appeals to most people who work for a living because they feel they need to have their attention on something and they need to put in work to earn income. But I approach profits, the way I approach the housekeeper: just get it done and make me happy, I dont need to know the details. Sure there’s the tinkerer in me that wants to fiddle around with charts and Level II quotes yadayadayada, but honestly, I have tons of things to get done besides that.

There are definitely some strong newsletter inside the Global Autotrading back office that are not publicly listed… Chuck Hughes comes to mind. I was impressed by his performance record and with the fact that he has won 10 trading competitions. What I was not impressed with was the conversation I had with one of their salesmen. It went like this:

me: So are your performance records broken down by the various newsletters you have?

sales guy: Let’s keep it simple, once you join the inner circle you have access to all of Chuck’s trades. They come to you by text or you can setup autotrading.

me: I see, what is the subscription fee?

sales guy: well, we just have 2 places left and right now we are waiving the $3,000 enrollment fee and only charging $6,000 for a year of service.

me: well, that does not fit my budget at this time.

Sometimes I feel that the newsletters are trying to make an income via bravado and subscription fees and that they arent even earning a living on their own trading. Cycle Spreads is different because the trader there started learning to trade as a way to replace his fulltime job and he/she/they did it.

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