July 27, 2024

My Money Magick

The Money, Tax and Law Underground

Here’s why I quit credit repair with Financial Education Services after 6 months…

2 min read

I’ve been with Financial Education Services Since Nov 2020 up to now (May 2021). Let’s get right down to why I jumped ship with FES:

My Sponsor Did Not Properly Guide Me Through the Roadmap

I had been in FES for 3-4 months and one day when I called them, a very helpful lady in customer service pointed out that I had been following the Roadmap in my back office for credit repair.

And why was I not following the roadmap? Because my sponsor never pointed it out to me. He simply registered me, forgot about me and went on registering other people.

Oh sure, he would text me every so often telling me how much money I could make by referring others and the simple steps to do so….


Because he did not guide me, I missed out on regular credit repairs. He also liked to conceal information on the available ways to do things, always treating me like a simpleton and only telling me enough to solve the problem but not giving me more expedient options.

They did OK

I had 3 late payments on my credit reports, all on open accounts: JPMC, Lending Club, and Prosper. And after 6 months everything was gone from Equifax – they tucked tail and deleted everything once I wrote a simple dispute later. Experian and Transunion were more tenacious and FES was not good about getting tenacious back.

Everything I suspected that FES should’ve been doing is done by other, better firms:

As I wrote to the founder of Expert Credit sweeps on one of her videos, everything she does is what any high-quality credit repair firm should do and it’s exactly what FES does not do.

Just watch the video and look at how sensitive and tailored her dispute letters are versus the cookie-cutter letters from FES. Not only that, look at this clear-cut process flow that lays out EXACTLY how this professional gets down to business:

Interview your credit repair company

and if they cant produce clearcut process flows of what they do, move on. Just like I did from FES.

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