July 27, 2024

My Money Magick

The Money, Tax and Law Underground

(Leon) Bryan Stallings took $8,300 from me without providing any services

2 min read

Bryan Stallings, CEO of HRC4You and Joint Venture Alliance Group took 8,300 in payment from me without providing any services. His cell number is 310-944-7375. Here are 2 pictures of him: he’s the dark-skinned male:

$5675 taken with no service provided

As you can see from the Memorandum of Understanding, I paid $5,675 to have tradelines added and very minor credit repair (removal of 3 inquiries from a single bureau) done.

However, time passed and nothing was done.

Another $1600 was sent for primary tradelines

Bryan then told me that I needed primary tradelines added and to send $3,325 more for this purpose. I told him that I would pay half up front and the rest upon funding as this revised Memorandum of Understanding states.

Once again, services were paid for and nothing was done.

Another $1,000 was paid to reserve an Aged Corp

Bryan then said that we needed to purchase an Aged corporation to attract funding and that I should send 10k to reserve it. I told him I simply didnt have it and sent $1,000 for this purpose.

Bryan promises (but never pays) a 5K bonus for tardiness in his partner’s service

Bryan promised that he would have a cashier’s check ready for me on Wednesday April 3, but on Wednesday, all I got were the excuses that he is known for. And now, it is 3 days past Wednesday and he has not met with me or paid me the 5K he promised.

Summary: 8337.50 + 5k promised, zero tendered

If you add up the products and services discussed above, you will see that I sent $8337.50 to Bryan and have received nothing.

In addition he promised to meet me in person and pay a 5,000 bonus which he has not done either.

If I *ever* send business payments as payment to Friends and Family…

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