July 27, 2024

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Table of Contents of “Stablecoin Economy” by Alyze Sam

2 min read

Chapter 1 
Introduction to Fiat Currency 
● History of Fiat  P. 7 
● Barter P. 7 
● Shell Economy  P. 7 
● Metal Money  P. 8 
● Paper Currency  P. 9 
● Banknotes P. 11 
● Evolution of Financial Technology  P. 12 
Chapter 2 
Introduction to Cryptocurrency 
● History of Cryptocurrency P. 17 
● Cryptography P. 17 
● Blockchain History P. 19  
● Blockchain Protocol  P. 20   
● Public and Private Key Basics P. 21   
● Single Public Chain P. 21 
● Hacker-Proof Ecosystem  P. 22 
● Bitfury P. 23 
● Blockchain’s Practical Application P. 24 
● Bank Use P. 24 
● Blockchain Use in Cryptocurrency P. 25 
● DiFi, or Open Finance P. 25 
● Wall Street Testing Out Cryptos P. 28 
● Regulatory Responses P. 30 
Stablecoin Economy  
1 Chapter 3 
Fungibility and Non-Fungibility 
● Definition  P. 31 
● Examples P. 32 
● Fungibility vs Non Fungibility  P. 34 
Chapter 4 
Introduction to Stablecoins  
● Definition  P. 36 
● History of Stablecoins P. 36 
● Purpose & Need  P. 38 
● Advantages P. 39 
● Disadvantages  P. 40 
● Protocol P. 41 
● Examples P. 42 
● Criticisms & Quotes P. 43 
Chapter 5 
Evaluating Stablecoins  
● Key Factors  P. 46 
Chapter 6 
Where to find Stability 
● Quantity Theory of Money  P. 47 
● Historically Stable Commodities Plummet P. 49 
● Gold Standard P. 52 
● Current Value of Gold and the Future P. 54 
Chapter 7 
Complete Stablecoin Guide  
○ Define Asset-Collateralized Stablecoins P. 56 
○ Define Non-Collateralized Stablecoins  P. 56 
○ Comparative Chart of Stablecoin Categories  P. 57   
Stablecoin Economy  
● Categories of Stablecoins  
○ Fiat-Collateralized Stablecoins  P. 58 
○ Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoins  P. 67 
○ Seigniorage (Algorithmic) Stablecoins  P. 70 
○ Commodity-Collateralized Stablecoins  P. 74 
○ Hybrid Stablecoin Models  P. 82 
Chapter 8 
Using Stablecoins to Your Advantage 
● Stablecoins to Protect Assets   P. 90 
● “Stop Loss” Method  P. 92 
● Hedging  P. 94 
● Harvesting  P. 96 
Chapter 9 
History of the Top Ten Stablecoins 2015-2020 
● Tether (USDT)  P. 98 
● TrueUSD (TUSD)  P. 101 
● Maker DAI (DAI)  P. 103 
● USD Coin (USDC)  P. 106 
● Paxos (PAX)  P. 109 
● Bitshares (BitUSD)  P. 111 
● EOS (EOSDT)  P. 114 
● Gemini (GUSD)  P. 116 
● Binance GBP (BGBP)  P. 119 
● StableUSD (USDS)  P. 121 
Chapter 10 
Evolution in Stablecoins:  
A Peculiar Alternative Currency: The HODLCommodity P. 123 
Stablecoin Economy  
3 Chapter 11 
The Future of Stablecoins & Final Thoughts  P. 127 

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